Photo of Matylda Piatkowska

Matylda Piatkowska

FemTech: Media and Publicity Officer

Attending the recent FemTech conference, the committee impressed me with their organisational skills, being able to get multiple companies and speakers and having a really successful Saturday. I found out on the day that it was their very first conference, and I knew I wanted to be a part of the next one. As I am currently the Social Media Ambassador for Imperial, I know the importance of targeting the correct audience, making good content and revising analytics. This also means I know the social media crew for the uni and can get them on board to highlight the amazing work of the FemTech society. I have experience in creating posters and advertising events from being the Publicity officer for my sixth form's science department. I am also a delegate for the UN Women UK and have a genuine passion for removing stigma around female health. I want to get more people involved in seeing FemTech develop at Imperial, with larger turnouts at events and supporting women in stem achieve their dreams!