Photo of Rachel Wong

Rachel Wong

FemTech: Events Officer

Greetings, fellow FemTech enthusiasts! My name is Rachel, and I am a first year Molecular Bioengineering student running for the position of Events Officer in the FemTech society. I recently attended the FemTech conference and was deeply impressed by how the industry targeted at improving women's health. Unfortunately, it is still a booming industry and hasn’t caught much people’s attention. As a passionate advocate for women’s rights, I am provoked to use my skills and experience to deliver the idea of FemTech with a wide range of interesting activities.

Aim & Vision:

My aim is to create a supportive and inclusive community for members to connect, learn and grow in the FemTech industry. To achieve this, I will focus on:

  • Curate monthly events, including panel discussions and workshops that showcase the achievements of FemTech companies
  • Collaborate with industry leaders to provide valuable internship opportunities and mentorship programs
  • Increase the visibility and representation of FemTech Society by collaborating with other societies
  • Foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie among our members

Events Suggestions:

  1. Weekly ‘FemTech Founders’ Workshop: Startup Building /Project Developing Platform
  2. Monthly Panel Discussions: Speakers sharing experiences and insight
  3. ‘FemTech Matchmaking’ Mentorship Program: Connecting professionals with aspiring members
  4. Trips to FemTech companies and conferences
  5. 'FemTech for Good' hackathon: Develop innovative solutions for gender-related challenges
  6. Annual Flagship Conference

As your Events Officer, I am committed to working with the rest of the committee to ensure that our events are well-organised, informative, and enjoyable for all members. Thank you for your support!