Photo of Aditi Pandiri

Aditi Pandiri

FemTech: Treasurer

Hi, I'm Aditi and I'd love to be FemTech's Treasurer next year!

As a 4th medical student, I've always been a huge advocate for women’s health. This interest has motivated me to enrol in the Reproductive & Developmental Sciences BSc and attend ICOGS Conferences over the past few years, both of which have greatly expanded my knowledge on women's health issues.

Attending FemTech's inaugral conference this year really opened my eyes to the gaps in women's healthcare, as well as FemTech's growth and affinity for filling them. Seeing this collaboration and innovation has inspired me to become more involved with this society.

I've held many Finance-related roles at medical school:

  • As Treasurer, I've helped revive ICSMSU Gazette from financial debt, and gained grants for societies such as Ophthalmology and Gastroenterology & Hepatology this year;
  • I've previously been Sponsorship Officer on conference sub-committees, and therefore understand the persistence and resilience required to secure sponsorships;
  • Having been Head of Just Bollywood (inter-university dance competition) last year with no financial loss, I have event-running experience too!

Other than my credentials and love for Excel spreadsheets (ask anyone), I believe it's my passion that truly qualifies me for this role.

I'd like to help the committee organise more events and socials, giving students affordable opportunities to explore technological advancements and entrepreneurships in this industry, and network with influential & inspiring individuals.

Above all, I want to help FemTech continue to grow financially by securing the funds and sponsorships I know it deserves! <3