Photo of Amelia Farrow-Foster

Amelia Farrow-Foster

Right to Play: General Committee

Hi! I'm Amelia, currently a third year and I would love to be on general committee for right to play this year.

UH curry is one of the best nights of the year and I think it would be so much fun being invloved in the planning this year. I want to help make this night even better than the last two years so that everyone is guaranteed a good night!

Part of my role will be to help book curry houses for all of the clubs, which I have already had experience in doing when I was social sec for netball. I had to book numerous curries and dinners so I have lots of experience in calling up and negotiating prices.

Another event that I have had so much fun taking part in is the inter-club netball tournament. I will help get as much uptake as possible from all of the clubs so that we can have a full-packed tournament. As an avid member of the netball club I will be able to help a lot in the organising of this event.

Thank you for reading and I would really appreciate your vote!