Photo of Jennifer Emezie

Jennifer Emezie

Electrical Engineering: Sport and Wellness Officer

Hi everyone, my name is Jennifer and I am running for the Sport and Wellness Officer. As an active member of the IC Volleyball Club, I have found that sport is a great way to keep myself healthy both mentally and physically. Be it casual or competitive, I find that having a sport alongside my studies have been a great way to unwind. I really believe that everyone should have a chance to get involved in a sport during there time in Imperial. Next year, I would love organising more friendly sporting activities between societies and courses. As someone who plays both beach and indoor volleyball in and outside of university I have been able to build some strong connections within the sporting world. Additionally, taster sessions and special events are wonderful ways to try something new. I am keen to introduce some new and exciting sports to the mix of EEEsoc. One of my main aims for next year would be to make sure there is strong EEE representation and turnout for various sporting events that you will love.