Biology: Sponsorship Officer


Angela Farese

Hi!!! I'm Angela a Y1 Bio student ;) I wish to become Sponsorship officer to find more sponsors in able to provide you with more fun and meaningful biosoc events! We should manifest our wholesome bio vibes more. I wish to contact companies in biotech/ pahramceutical industries that will not only provide sponorship and funding for our events, but also build a long-term connection with us imperial biology students. I ...

Selina Yeung

Hi! My name is Selina and I’m a current first year Biological Sciences student, running for the role of Sponsorship Officer. As sponsorship officer, I plan to maintain a strong relationship with our current partners, through clear and consistent communication. I will also proactively seek new sources of funding so that BioSoc is able to continue holding a variety of academic, creative and social events. I ...