Photo of Ushaan Turel

Ushaan Turel

Barbell: Weightlifting Captain

Hey guys!

My name is Ushaan and I have been a regular weightlifter at IC Barbell for the last 2 years. In those two years, we went from just establishing our weightlifting Saturday sessions to having 5 (!) BUCS qualified lifters.

As captain, I not only hope to continue that onward momentum into BUCS (and capture some medals), but I also want to develop a stronger community base - encouraging more and more new lifters to try the sport (yes that also includes the powerlifters!). There are so many people who would love the sport but just don't know enough about it, improving awareness would certainly make the barbell family bigger :D

More lifters = More PR's = happy days.

Thanks for reading, I'm proud to be a member of IC's strongest society 💪.