Photo of Veena Saravanan

Veena Saravanan

Respiratory Medicine: Academic Officer (Early Years)

Hi, I’m Veena and I would love to be the Academic Officer for early years for Respiratory Medicine Society. I am committed to staying updated on the latest advancements in respiratory medicine and I am eager to share this knowledge to create engaging educational events. With my proactive approach and innovative ideas, I am confident in my ability to contribute significantly to the society’s academic growth. I propose weekly SBA question sets released on our social media platforms and regular online tutorials to comprehensively cover the pre-clinical curriculum to broaden interests in respiratory medicine. Implementing CPA tutorials will equip them with essential practical skills, whilst exploring unique case studies on our social media will encourage critical thinking and diversify learning experiences. Drawing from my society experience in successfully organising conferences, I’m confident in leading impactful academic initiatives. This involved extensive collaboration with many medical professionals to not only co-ordinate keynote speakers but also organise 4 medical and surgical workshops. I am keen to start a speaker series aimed at the early years to give them an insight into what a career in respiratory medicine looks like as well show portraying novel perspective on conditions taught in lectures. Collaboration with other medical societies will be important to show how respiratory medicine fits into the broader context of healthcare and how it interconnects with our other systems.