Photo of Yashwin Shyam

Yashwin Shyam

Respiratory Medicine: Academic Officer (Early Years)

In this constantly evolving world where things change on a daily basis and especially in the current state where respiratory medicine is key to understanding the evolution of COVID-19, as early years academic officer, I want to give young students the chance and opportunity to flourish in this field.

Being currently involved in respiratory research at St. Mary’s hospital, I believe as academic officer, I can create multiple opportunities for students due to the world class researchers I can utilise and bring in from St.Mary’s.

My manifesto revolves around 3 main principles:

  1. Mentorship – personally, If I had a mentor who guided me through things, I believe that I could have found opportunities and progressed up the ladder much quicker and easily. As academic officer, I will create a brand-new mentorship programme through pairing researchers and students in a one – on – one basis.
  2. Taster sessions – I personally believe that the best way to get students interested in a field or to further enhance their interest is by providing opportunities to have a feel of what the field involves. As Academic officer, I will provide taster sessions, this would involve shadowing researchers for a week or having the opportunity to speak to doctors from the respiratory field.
  3. Engagement - creating events where eary years can collaborate wirth peers, network with commitee and researchers.

In conclusion, I am passionate about serving as academic officer for early years and helping them thrive in respiratory academia by pioneering new initiatives.