Photo of Marco Chan

Marco Chan

Canadian Society: Chief Events Officer

Hello fellow Canadians or non-canadian who are interested in Canadian culture! My name is Marco, currently an international medical student who’s from Canada. Although I have been part of the Canadian society for 2 years now after being attracted by the free maple syrup during freshers fair in my first year, I realised there wasn’t much meet up and gatherings as a result I am happy to be running to be your chief event officer to bring back more fun and engaging events to Canadian Society. Here is how I will do it using 3Cs:

  1. Communication - I will be keeping our instagram page as updated as possible and keeping our whatsapp chat as active as possible to update members about our events.
  2. Coordination - I hope to start some flagship social events such as freshers dinner, regular meet up to identify fellow Canadians in Imperial especially since there are more Canadian freshers it would be nice for them to have some sort of support network!
  3. Connections - Having quite a few Canadian connections I wish to arrange careers talk and events so that members could learn more about career opportunities in Canada and current affairs around Canada.

Thank you for your consideration and I would really appreciate your vote! Btw guess where I am in the picture included, if you can guess it I will hand deliver you some maple syrup :)