Photo of Silvia Mijangos

Silvia Mijangos

Bioscience Review: Chair

Hi Bioscience Review Community,

My name is Silvia, a 2nd Year Biochemistry student, and I’m excited to run for the Chair position within the Bioscience review Soc. With a dedication to advancing scientific knowledge and publication quality, I am confident that I will make great contributions to the Soc.

Throughout my academic journey and professional activities, I have nurtured a passion for writing and communication, ranging from biochemical articles to magazines to books and even professional briefs!!

I have a diverse skill set, acquired through roles such as Gender Equality Rep and Horizons All Years Arabic Rep, as well as through medical consulting internships. This also reflects a proven track record of leadership and advocacy, which equip me with the knowledge and experience to be your Chair.

I am committed to the following goals:

  • Organisational Excellence – I will ensure that the magazine remains extremely organised, constructive and visually pleasing.
  • Creating a welcoming environment: Hosting in-person events whenever possible to facilitate connections within our community.
  • Exceptional publications: these will showcase your talents and experience, while upholding the standards of excellence that define IBR.

If you share my vision for a vibrant and including Bioscience Review community, don’t forget to vote for me.

All the best,
