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Tanvi Joshi

Origami: Chair

Hi everyone, my name's Tanvi, I'm currently in year 3, and I'm the current Chair for Origmai Society.

Along with our wonderful committee this year, we've successfully continued and expanded Origami Society - it's been a great year of folding fun, amazing origami projects, and collaborations with other cool societies! In my time as Chair of this society, I've been able to develop my skills in team leading and organisation, as well as the admin skills necessary to run a society. My favourite part of my role has been teaching you how to make origami - I have loved getting to chat with you all while encouraging your origami skills, solving complex folds together, and celebrating your creations! :)

If I am re-elected as Chair, I will strive to continue to bring origami to a many people as possible, and implement the following goals:

  • Make a shared document/list of origami designs in various categories (eg. beginner, intermediate, advanced, common folds, tricky folds)
  • Make video instructions for some of our members' favourite designs
  • Have a large scale origami project every year, to encourage collaboration in our society
  • Have more socials with other societies :)

I would love the opportunity to lead Origami Society again into another year of creative folding! Thank you for reading - remember to vote! :)