Photo of Ryoma Hirata

Ryoma Hirata

Tennis (ICSM): Mens 2nd team captain

Hi everyone! I'm Ryoma, a second-year Mechanical Engineering student, and I am running for the role of Men's 2 captain next year. I've only joined ICSM Tennis this year but I can undoubtedly say that it was the best big decision I've made at uni! Not only have I found the tennis enjoyable, but the socials have been absolute bangers as well. As captain, I want to continue the legacy the past committee and members have started and make the 2s the best team of all.

At trainings, I'd want to incorporate lots of matchplay and some drills that I might have to dig up from my high school memories. By enhancing the overall level of the team, I want everyone in the team to destroy our opps in London.

I also want to get as many people involved in socials as well, because that's where half the fun is at! I'll make sure trainings are so fun that you can't possibly say no to a Sports Night on Wednesday! Ideally, every single member will go to at least one sports night over the year. Let's have some fire nights and make awesome memories! (I am in love with slug)

Finally, if it means anything I am currently president of the Japanese Society with about 200 people, so I suppose I have some experience working in a committee too.

Anyway, thank you for reading and I look forward to making next year the best one ICSM Tennis has ever seen!