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Sreenithi Bhuvaneshwaran

Nutritank: Events Officer

Hi my name is Sreenithi, I’m a 2nd year medical student and I would love to get involved in Nutritank as events officer this year!

Having attended Nutritank’s annual conference and volunteered at N4Y, I’ve been able to both learn from various professionals in the field of nutrition, as well as contribute towards the society’s goal of spreading awareness of the importance of balanced nutrition by working with children in primary school. I strongly believe in preventative nutrition and the messages we share in schools, and I want to help get as many students as possible involved in Nutritank’s future events so everyone can benefit in the same way.

I have experience in the running of events from my involvement in ICSM Vision’s MMA Day as part of the MMI circuit, and my role on subcommittee for the AMSA 2nd year CPA mock exam has given me insight into organising and delivering events, which makes me an ideal choice for this position.

I am interested in collaborating on joint events with other societies that also have a link with nutrition and lifestyle medicine, to expand Nutritank’s reach to a wider audience of students interested in connected topics. Similarly, I would like to generate more interest and enthusiasm earlier in the year by promoting some of these events at the fresher’s fair stall, to create excitement ahead of time with all the societies present.

Thanks for reading and please vote for me for Nutritank! :)