Photo of Haixuan Zhou

Haixuan Zhou

Radiology Society: Research Lead

Hi all!

I'm Haixuan but most people would probably know me as Connie. I'm a second year medic and would love to run for research lead. Starting out in radiology, I didn't know what to expect. However after some reading, I now know how vital it is in terms of investigation leading up to diagnosis. I was amazed by how much information we can gain from a simple scan and the methodical approach we undertake to present the information.

I enjoyed being part of the society as a member and was able to clear misconceptions of my own and have learnt various new skills. From attending the first radiology conference to exposure to Interventional radiology in placement, these all added to my growing interest.

As a research lead I would love to help the society flourish by providing support to students interested in research, research opportunities and collaboration with other unis for more fun events.