Photo of Olivia Ariarasa

Olivia Ariarasa

Friends of Palestine: Charity and Outreach Manager

Hi, I'm Olivia! I'm a fourth year medic and am excited to run for Charity and Outreach manager for FoP. I've been following the work of FoP for a while and would love to do as much as I can to help raise awareness and support within the Imperial Community. It goes without saying the current events in Palestine are harrowing. Watching it unfold in the age of social media is eye-opening but also distressing. It's hard watching genocide unfold and feeling utterly powerless beyond protesting and speaking out on social media. Having had precious experience as a charity liason and coordinator, I believe I could put those skills to use and try to rally greater support for Palestine in any form. I have previously orchestrated charity fundraisers and raised awareness for causes in my local community through publicity. I also have experience with networking with aforementioned charities and liasing with external members. My strong communication and organisational skills would help me fulfill this role well. If elected, I would like to increase collaboration with intrauni societies such as FoMSF and potentially internuni FoP societies to increase the reach of Palestinian support. Furthermore, I would love to invite non-profit organisations to speak and hold fundraisers for Palestine to help increase Palestinian aid, so everyone can play their part, however small. If elected, I would genuinely work my hardest as this cause is bigger than FoP and truly important in raising awareness of the erasure of innocent Palestinians.