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Vaclav Pavlícek

Czech & Slovak: Alumni Officer

Hey everyone, I'm Václav, but you can call me Řízek. I'm in my final year here, studying EIE, and I'm stepping up to be your next Alumni Officer. Coming from the Czech Republic, my journey from high school in Pardubice to Imperial has been packed with awesome memories, especially thanks to the Czech and Slovak Society crew. They showed me the ropes, and we've had some epic times, like sailing to Český Krumlov.

I've always been into organizing stuff, from IT events back home to freshers' welcomes here. I believe in keeping things cool and orderly, and that's exactly what I want to bring to the table as your Alumni Officer. My plan? To tighten our alumni network, making it a go-to place for advice, gigs, and maybe even a few reunions that go down in history.

In this role, I'll make sure our alumni resources are spot-on, benefiting everyone and keeping personal agenda out of it. As I'm hitting the final lap of my time here, I'm all in to make our alumni community stronger and more connected than ever.

So, let's do this together. Vote for me, and let's make our alumni network something really special.

Catch you around, Řízek