Photo of Rama Aowidah

Rama Aowidah

Medical Education: Publicity Officer

Hi I’m Rama, a third year medic, and I’m running for publicity officer!

I’ve been involved with MedED since first year taking part in the teaching academy and then becoming a facilitator in 2nd year! I’ve also given tutorials for the BRS and POM Crash courses (as well as of course, relying on MedED tutorials myself!).

I’ve spent the past year as a Publicity Director for Student Medaid London, a Global health CIC which donates medical equipment abroad via a volunteer network. As a result, I have experience with Canva (creating standing banners, posters, and instagram posts), post scheduling with metabusiness suite, X (formerly twitter) and threads as well as finding other societies to collaborate with via social media (e.g we collaborated with London WHO this year!).

As publicity officer, I would make sure posts were scheduled in advance, professionally designed and that students were made aware of the advantages of attending tutorials live online!