Photo of Angela Song

Angela Song

Computational Biology: Events Officer

Hi all,

My name is Angela Song, and I am a second-year biotech student. I am running for the position of Events Officer for Computational Biology.

  • Diverse Events: Organizing a wide range of events, including workshops, seminars, and tutorials tailored to the diverse interests and skill levels of our members.
  • Enhanced Networking Opportunities: Providing ample networking opportunities - through a mix of casual events like game nights, as well as more formal occasions like career fairs - to foster collaborations and connections among our members, faculty, and professionals in computational biology.
  • Research and Innovation: Supporting student-led research initiatives through funding opportunities and mentorship from faculty members or industry experts, as well as hosting research competitions and data challenges to encourage innovation and creativity.

Thank you for reading my manifesto, and I would be honored to be given the opportunity to enrich your experience with Computational Biology :)