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Naailah Bhamji

Infectious Diseases Society: Publicity Officer

I am interested in the position of Infectious Diseases Publicity Officer as I have had practical experience in infectious diseases as one of my placements and have had previous experience in social media management and design, I am eager to contribute my skills to promote public health awareness.

Experience and Skills: My recent immersion in infectious diseases during a four-week placement provided me with invaluable insights into disease prevention and management. I was able to speak to patients and watch their progression through their clinical journey as well as speak to experts in the field to further my understanding of infectious diseases. Furthermore, I have a background in creating engaging social media posts for instagram for a local supermarket and designing user-friendly website which has made me a capable in reaching diverse audiences.

What I can offer: As Publicity Officer, I am committed to use various communication initiatives to educate and engage the community on the events held by the society to raise understanding of infectious diseases and promote public health. I want to ustilise social media to improve student engagement with ID and keep them updated on our events through regular newletters.

Conclusion: Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team and make a meaningful impact on public health awareness.