Photo of Shiromi Patrick

Shiromi Patrick

General Practice (ICSM): Year 3 Coordinator

Hi, my name is Shiromi and I’m a third year medic. I’m currently the early years rep for GP society this year and I've enjoyed my time on committee this year so would like to become the Year 3 coordinator.

As early years rep, I've reached out to previous prizewinners and organised talks for year 1 and 2 about how to excel at the CSP and CCP, with Q&As. I would like to repeat this for the Year 3 CAP project, possibly with multiple prizewinners presenting their work since they may give the year 3 students a better understanding of what needs to be achieved. I also hope to get involved in the OSCE teaching series, that has already been done, however, will work alongside the publicity officer to increase publicity of our talks for maximum exposure to students. Also early on in the year, it may be useful to do talks about MICA placements and an intro into year 3 history taking, since not much guidance is given and GP placement has a lot to offer in terms of variety and flexibility.

I am also a highly organised and reliable person, having been the schools liaison officer for Teddy Bear Hospital, where I have had to organise visits and liaise with schools on a regular basis. I have also held multiple other roles in other societies such as treasurer and conference subcommittees, therefore I am able to manage my time well.