Photo of Ho Ying Lam

Ho Ying Lam

Soup Run: Soup Run Social Secretary

Hello, my name is Ho Ying Lam, currently a first year undergraduate in the Chemical Engineering department. I am running for the position of Soup Run social secretary, for I am passionate about our cause: to contribute to our community and to aid others in need.

If elected, I will aim to:

  1. Ensure that everyone is kept up to date with volunteering and social events.
  2. Gather suggestions from students for a greater variety of volunteering opportunities.
  3. Encourage and listen to feedback from students on how to improve the operation of Soup Run Society.

As a member of the Soup Run Society, I wish not only for the betterment of our community, but also to be able to form greater connections with fellow volunteers as we strive together to achieve this goal.

I hope that I will have the honour of serving the Soup Run Society as its social secretary, and make a positive impact on your volunteering experience.