Photo of Jack Kwok

Jack Kwok

Soup Run: Soup Run Social Secretary

Hello everyone! My name is Jack and I am a first-year student studying Civil Engineering. I am running for the position of Social Secretary with the hope of hearing your voice and implementing your ideas.

If I am elected, I will endeavour to:

1. Be receptive to feedback and work with members to develop new ideas

2. Respond to any questions and act as a messenger between the committee and members

3. Organise social events and manage social media

I am confident that I can achieve these goals due to my past experience with management and cooperation. Having co-founded a STEM tutoring club in the past, I often received constructive criticism from members and implemented changes to smooth out rough edges. In addition, I have also participated in numerous volunteering activities during Covid-19, giving me a strong grasp of the fundamental values of volunteering. These experiences provide relevant transferable skills and knowledge for being Soup Run’s Social Secretary. Moreover, I also have a good understanding of Soup Run’s structure, having conversed extensively with the current committee over its recent affairs. I believe that all of this has given me a solid foundation to build upon and deliver on my goals.

I hope that I will have the opportunity to represent you in the upcoming academic year!