Photo of Kai Wang

Kai Wang

AnimeSoc: Band Leader

Heya! I'm Kai, 1st year CS student who joined MB (Melon Band) early this academic year. Having joined the band, witnessed MB execute an amazing performance at October MCM 2023 and performed as a member in 2 concerts so far, I can safely say that I love MB - love the music we perform, love the people like our committee who make events possible, love MB's incredibly talented members and most importantly, the amazing audience who take time out of their days to come support us and have fun, making all the hardwork invested worthwhile in the end. As a result, ~~despite being a sub,~~ I've decided to take my chances at filling in the vacant leading positions in MB and stand for a leading role in MB.

Even though I may not have any experience organising an event or much experience leading musicians older than secondary school children; Even though I may not have the musical skill to arrange full blown orchestras in a night; Even though I may not have the instrumental skill to shred like bocchi or slap a fretless bass with the might of star platinum (ahem Kee Meng), I can promise one thing and it's that I will always try my best to help with absolutely anything related to the band, and put my all into trying to make performances something worth looking forward to for both you, the audience and us, the performers.

~~PS: Admin is scary, I don't wanna adminnnn T^T~~

Thanks for reading!!!