Photo of Tanvi Rana

Tanvi Rana

DoCSoc: Hackathons Coordinator

Hello! My name’s Tanvi - I’m a 3rd year Computing student and Events Officer on committee this year. I volunteered at IC Hack 22, IC Hack 23, and was a Hacker Experience Team Lead at IC Hack 24 where I:

  • Coordinated meal vendors (£23,000 worth!)
  • Planned and ran the Hackspace Cup, a successful new addition this year
    • Marshall Wace Scavenger Hunt
    • Duck Pong with JetBrains
    • Online Connect 4
    • Mario Kart
    • Karaoke
    • 5am bingo
  • Spoke at opening ceremony
  • Led our long-term volunteers in organising cupcakes, cookies, churros, waffles, candy floss, bubble tea, midnight pizza, and the photo booth
  • Liased with sponsors throughout

Having been part of running IC Hack for 3 years, I understand what it takes to make things happen and I think I’ve got the experience to do a good job! A lot of time and energy from a lot of people goes towards IC Hack every year and I really would try my best to tie it all together into a great event. Next year I want to focus on refining the quality of experience for everyone involved - getting high quality food, cool merch/prizes, accessible prize categories, exploring some more adventurous ideas, and improving volunteer coordination and general logistics.

And of course, being an Events Officer this year and knowing the processes, outside of IC Hack I’d stay involved in helping out with events - to make these exciting, more frequent, and from as early in first term as possible, so next year can be a fun one for DoCSoc!