Photo of Nishant Jalan

Nishant Jalan

DoCSoc: Hackathons Coordinator

Hi, I am Nishant (a.k.a Cybercoder) and I am running for Hackathon Coordinator at DoCSoc. With my proven record of leadership, as one of the presidents of DSC (Developer Student Clubs), I aim to bring my experiences and fresh perspectives when orchestrating ICHack.

I am not a complete stranger to the internals of ICHack. Having served as ICHack's web developer, I gained invaluable insights into ICHack's behind-the-scenes. By actively participating in meetings, I've honed my skills and gathered essential recommendations, positioning myself well to lead the hackathon to greater success next year.

Organising a large-scale event requires effective communication, teamwork and adaptability. Collaborating closely with the committee, I'm dedicated to delivering an exceptional hackathon experience for hackers, committee members, sponsors, and volunteers alike. My primary strengths lie in tech, logistics and management, to which I am committed to working beyond expectations.

As a Hackathon Coordinator, I will start by prioritising planning multiple execution paths as fail-safes. I would review the existing codebase to build a bug-free secure platform. Together with the committee and volunteers, we'll meticulously plan every detail for a seamless hackathon day.

Coordinating ICHack entails not just managing logistics, but also nurturing the team that brings this event to life. I am prepared to take on the responsibility of leading and supporting our team through any challenges that may arise, ensuring a seamless execution of ICHack. I hope that you vote for me to be your next Hackathon Coordinator!