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Hemali Matharu

MedTech: Promotions Lead

Hi I’m Hemali,

The intersection between healthcare and technology has always interested me and this has only increased in recent years as technology advancements continue to develop and become more seamlessly integrated throughout medical care.

Through my job in medical app testing and development I’ve had the opportunity to work within teams behind the scenes allowing me to develop good teamwork and communication skills

Theses skills have been further developed through my role as choreographer on fashion show committee where I was able to get involved in the creation and editing of promotional content and publicity through multiple different creative avenues, allowing this year’s fashion show to break all previous records and double the number of attendees.

As promotions officer I would like to:

-further develop the society’s social media presence to increase media interactions and therefore society participation (this could be done through the use of more interactive stories like polls and Q&A’s encouraging further interest in the society and discover how we could better cater to interested students)

-work closely with the webmaster and magazine officer to explore different paths for publicity (like publications in the felix) which could provide different opportunities along side our social media presence.

-work closely with other society’s within the university to create networking opportunities and spread awareness of the society to allow students to develop their understanding of different fields in the context and intersection of innovative healthcare technology