Photo of Vivaan Gupta

Vivaan Gupta

DoCSoc: Social Events Coordinator

I am thrilled at the prospect of serving as the Social Event Coordinator for DoCSoC. Conversations with the outgoing committee have provided me with valuable insights into the role's responsibilities, and I am confident in my ability to meet and exceed expectations. Leveraging my proven organizational skills honed through the successful orchestration of various cultural and technical events during my school years. As a fast learner, I am committed to adapting to the dynamic nature of event coordination, ensuring our events remain fresh and appealing to our diverse computing community. Throughout the year, I envision a rich tapestry of events, from engaging hackathons and coding workshops that stimulate our members' technical prowess to cultural festivals that celebrate our department's diversity. I propose networking sessions that connect students with industry professionals, fostering career development and mentorship. Additionally, themed social mixers, game nights, and collaborative coding sessions will create an environment where friendships flourish. I aspire to organize panel discussions on emerging trends in computing, providing a platform for insightful dialogue and knowledge exchange. With a focus on community-building, I am eager to introduce collaborative projects and outreach initiatives that showcase the positive impact our computing community can have beyond campus borders. Together, let's embark on a journey of exciting and meaningful events that define the vibrant spirit of DocSoC. I humbly seek your support and look forward to the opportunity to contribute to our computing community's dynamic social landscape.