Photo of Ling Liu

Ling Liu

Design Engineering: Open House Manager

Hi, I'm Ling Liu, you can also call me Linda. I the candidate of Open House Manager. As a second-year student deeply passionate about design engineering, I am committed to elevating our society's flagship event to new heights of excellence and impact. My journey with the Open House began in my first year when I was the volunteer in Open House. Through my dedication and hard work, I quickly rose to the role of Open House Volunteering Coordinator in 2023. In this capacity, I gained invaluable experience in event coordination, team management, and stakeholder engagement. I am deeply committed to enhancing our flagship event to showcase the dynamic opportunities in Design Engineering. My passion for our field drives me to envision the Open House as more than just a recruitment tool, but as a platform for innovation, collaboration, and diversity. I will work tirelessly to curate engaging experiences, forge partnerships with industry leaders, and ensure inclusivity for all attendees. With a dedicated focus on excellence and impact, I am eager to lead our society towards a successful and inspiring Open House.