Photo of Lennon Hooper

Lennon Hooper

Medical Education: Year 4 Coordinator

Hi everyone, my name is Lennon this year I am running for 4th year coordinator!

Having benefited so much from MedEds resources so much in the past 3 years, I know how important they will be going into the BSc, which needs a whole new set of skills that many of us have not yet developed. I have a passion for teaching both inside and outside of Medicine- teaching CPA and tutoring refugees are a couple of the ways I have been improving my skillset recently.

Speaking to the older years, I have some fresh ideas that I think will be of great benefit. They are as follows:

  • Introduce tutorials on basic research skills e.g. critical analysis, presentation skills, excel
  • Lecture series on the basics of systems such as graphpad prism
  • Some BScs swap ICAs 2 and 3; deliver the tutorials earlier in the year so everyone can benefit
  • Improve outreach alongside the gazette to give prospective BSc students more representative views
  • Providing comprehensive support for management and bioeng students throughout the year

Going into 4th year myself, I will be well placed to get feedback from students throughout the course of the year. I will be open and receptive to suggestions for improvements throughout the year and will work collaboratively to produce the teaching and content that is needed. I have the skills and drive to be a successful candidate this year and I hope to secure your vote. Thank you for reading!