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Ivy Ng

Medical Education: Year 4 Coordinator

With a strong passion for medical education, my goal is to empower students to excel in their intensive iBSc year. Having navigated through my own challenges balancing advanced biomedical engineering coursework and exams with maintaining a social life, I understand first-hand the demands of mastering new disciplines. MEDED supported me continuously, keeping me on track to achieve top marks. Now, I aim to pay that mentorship forward.

As your coordinator, I pledge to:

  • Streamline resource access: Centralise and continually update course materials, past assignments and more to provide study aids
  • Strategize for success: Provide an overview of MEDED programming including targeted tutorials timed with course deadlines
  • Enrich support network: Foster an encouraging peer community by facilitating study groups, social events, student-alumni connection

With robust organisation skills honed through my leadership skills and an unwavering commitment to enhancing the learning experience for medical students, I am devoted to help your cohort thrive in this transformative year.