Photo of Walt Gao

Walt Gao

Cross Country & Athletics: Media Officer

Hey team, I’m Walt_y, a passionate member of ICXCAC and an avid photographer. Since joining the club, I've been keenly capturing our moments of winning, teamwork, and the joy of athletics through my lens. Running for Social Media Secretary, I aim to elevate our club's narrative with vivid photography, immortalizing our memorable occasions.

Through photography, I intend to document our events, practices, and behind-the-scenes moments, sharing these stories to inspire current and prospective members. Also, leveraging my photographer position at Felix, I'll ensure our club's highlights reach a wider audience, boosting our visibility and attracting more support. I'll produce high-quality images that showcase the essence of our club, establishing stronger community bond and making every member feel seen and celebrated.

As Social Media Secretary, I'll ensure we will creating and spreading a lasting legacy of our collective journey. Let's make every race, every social (slug), and every gathering unforgettable. Vote Walt, yeah!