Zara Edwards
My name is Zara, and I am applying to be the Lead for Emergency Medicine!
This year, I have become super interested in Emergency Medicine / Acute Care following a placement in Anaesthetics which I absolutely loved. I have a genuine passion for Emergency Medicine - from the faced paced nature, to thinking on your feet and remaining calm under pressure, its incredibly appealing to me.
In medical school, we unfortunately do not get much exposure to much Emergency Medicine, so my goal would be to try and increase awareness for the speciality, and help people understand why its so amazing!
I also have experience organising events, as I have been involved with the Dr Me. Programme, frequently help organise mock interviews for budding medics, and have been on the organising committee for ICSM Fashion Show.
Going forward, I would love to organise talks with professionals from all the many fields of Emergency medicine, as well as potential organising out of hours placements for those interested, in order to get a true flavour as to what emergency medicine is all about :)