Photo of Yashwin Shyam

Yashwin Shyam

Pharmacology: Vice President

Hi everyone! Our names are Yashwin and Hari and we are 2nd year medical students running for vice presidents.

In the current world, where medications are so key to human health and medicine, pharmacology is a field with so much of growth and interest. I feel like students in general seem to have a pre-defined opinion that pharmacology is boring but as vice presidents, we want to break this thought process and make this society bigger.

Our plan is:

  1. Improving the pharmacology conference through interactive workshops, competitions and poster presentations
  2. More efficient pharmacology tutorials through introducing in person and online versions of the tutorials ; creating one on one drop in sessions for students as well.
  3. Creating a pharmacology society booklet containing important information for exams along with questions

More about us:

I’m Yashwin and I have previously been chair of my school council, so I have honed my leadership skills which puts me in a good position to take this role and assist the president in his duties.

I’m Hari and I have developed my communication, teamworking and organisation skills in my role as deputy BMA rep this year. I also took part in the Young Enterprise scheme, where I developed my leadership skills and led my team to win best Journey Award at the South London finals.

In conclusion, as vice presidents, we are committed to make this society bigger and unleash the true potential this society has through new innovative and inspiring ideas.