Photo of Michaela Jancovicova

Michaela Jancovicova

Czech & Slovak: Vice-Chair

Hi, I am Michaela, a second-year molecular bioengineering student from Bratislava, Slovakia.

I'm pursuing the vice-chair position this year, having served as the Secretary of our society last year, because I believe that effective communication with sponsors will open the door to exciting opportunities and resources for our society. My primary vision is to expand our event offerings beyond traditional pub gatherings by introducing activities like frisbee, sports tournaments, and more. Moreover, I aim to initiate collaborations with other universities in London to broaden the scope and appeal of our events. I am passionate about strengthening the ties between our Czech and Slovak communities and acknowledging the unique bond we share. This connection fuels my desire to propose events focused on promoting cultural awareness and appreciation for our countries, all within a friendly and inclusive environment. I am fully committed to the idea of partnering with other cultural societies for some awesome joint events. Let's mix things up and create unforgettable experiences that celebrate our cultures!:)