Photo of Josh Kirk

Josh Kirk

Algorithmic Trading: Technology: Back-End

As your current co-heads of technology, we are proud of our achievements this past year. Now, we seek your support to continue our journey of innovation and growth. Here's what we've accomplished and what we aim to achieve:

  • Successful Algothon: We reorganised the Algothon, offering a platform for students to engage in diverse and challenging activities. Our goal is to make it even more impactful the next year.
  • Live Algo Trading Account: We are opening roles to our research team to operate a live algorithmic trading account. This year, we aim to deepen student involvement in key areas like Strategy Development and Deployment.
  • Industry Partnerships: We plan to fostering relationships with industry data providers and acquire essential infrastructure to bolster our initiatives.
  • Computing Infrastructure: Exploring the purchase and management of computing resources to support our goals.
  • Website Expansion: We've dedicated ourselves to enhancing the digital presence of Algosoc, Algothon, and Women in Trading. Expect more improvements and user-friendly features.

With your vote, we can continue to lead, innovate, and create opportunities for all members of the society.

-Ming Pok Ng and Josh Kirk