Photo of JQ Soo

JQ Soo

Chemical Engineering: Tour Officer

Hello Chem Eng! I'm JQ and currently in 2nd year, now running to be your tour officer.

Having enjoyed the breadth of activities and events that ChemEngSoc has provided the last two years, I now want to take part in organising the tours for our fellow students. This includes the existing brewery tours and Zurich exchange, as well as proposing new tours to industrial sites across the UK. I understand this will be no easy task, but I look forward to taking on this challenge, collaborating with partner companies and working with the society's treasurer and IR officers.

Having previously been chair of a sports society at Imperial, I understand the range of responsibilities being on a society committee requires. I have had experience in managing budgets as well as liaising with Imperial Union (ifykyk), both key to organising smooth and affordable tours for Chem Eng.

I'd love to have your vote as ChemEngSoc's next tour officer.