Photo of Sarah Darwich

Sarah Darwich

Women in Business: Marketing Manager

Hi! I’m Sarah and I am a first year Physics student and have enjoyed being a proud member of Women in Business this year. I love the community it creates and the many exciting events and opportunities I have taken advantage of this year. I would love an opportunity to be a part of the committee next year and I feel that the Marketing Manager role would be a good way for me to make a difference.

If I was elected, I would work with the Head of Marketing to create an engaging social media presence so that the opportunities Women in Business create are marketed to as many women as possible, and I would love to help with ensuring high turnout at events as well as socials to build this fantastic community of women!

I have experience with organising communications of events as a Physics Captain at my school where I created posters and coordinated marketing of competitions we ran, and so I feel I have skills required to make an impact as Marketing Manager and would love to be a part of running this society and growing the community!