Photo of Min Ann Ng

Min Ann Ng

Nutritank: Co-President

We would love to be your co-presidents for the next academic year. We have been passionate volunteers for different programmes catered to schools. With our shared knowledge and expertise, we believe we can best connect and work with those who are a part of Nutritank.

(Ayesha) - Having been a part of it for two years as a volunteer and as committee, I have been immersed in what Nutritank stands for. My role as publicity officer this past year has helped me gain insight into the different members, their roles and how the society runs. My time at Nutritank has been rewarding and I would like to make sure others have the opportunity to learn and grow as a part of this society. (Min) - Having actively volunteered with PlayTeam and Teddybear Hospital, I have grown appreciative of the joys of volunteering with children and what makes these sessions meaningful. As Innovations Officer (FoMSF) and Treasurer (OCF), I have run city-wide conferences and coordinated events involving different universities, giving me the skillset to support the committee on multiple fronts.

Now that Imperial Nutritank is well established with the Annual Conference, social media and consistent volunteering sessions, we would like to expand Nutritank’s influence. We hope to collaborate with the events officers to bring in new ideas, continue to proactively support the N4Y leads, and create stronger bonds between society members.

Together, we believe we have the experience and drive to keep pushing Nutritank forward. Thank you for your consideration!