Photo of Anusha Manikandan

Anusha Manikandan

Nutritank: Co-President

Hi everyone,

I'm Anusha, a current member of Nutritank's subcomittee, and I would love to be your Nutritank President for the upcoming year!

As someone who grew up with a warped perception of food and what it means to be healthy, I am dedicated to changing the narrative for our younger generation, and changing attitudes towards the mindset of healthy eating. With the influence of social media and so called 'health gurus', it's easy to get sucked up in all the confusing nutritional jargon, calories and avoiding certain foods - it doesn't have to be like that! Food is best enjoyed in simplicity, and having dedicated teaching in schools is the least we can do!

My primary objective, if I were to be voted President, is to let everyone know that enjoying food is not a crime!! I want our future generation to grow up to love and be passionate about food, whilst having a positive mindset and being informed about healthy choices.

Being part of subcommitee this year, I've seen firsthand the amount of positive changes brought about due to Nutritank, and the amount of effort and care being put in to make them possible. Having a stronger presence on our social media platforms and elevating our instagram account to get a wider, more global reach is one of my main goals, and I would love to take all the progress that's been made this year in terms of getting local schools involved and take it to the next level!