Photo of Gaya Giritharan

Gaya Giritharan

Paediatrics: Play Team Chair

Hi, I’m Gaya and I’m running to be your Play Team Chair!

Volunteering with Play Team since first year has been an incredibly rewarding experience thus far and seeing first-hand the positive impact of this scheme has emphasised the significance of effective management.

Having been county chess captain, I’ve had the opportunity to lead players of various ages and actively engage in tasks such as coordinating logistics, analysing performance and acting as the primary liaison between team members and officials, all whilst creating a supportive and enjoyable environment. Proactiveness, effective communication and delegation are also skills I have developed through leadership positions such as orchestra manager of ICSM Music and YRC subcommittee.


  • Organise socials for volunteers to not only encourage bonding but also serve as a way to facilitate meaningful discussions about their experiences
  • Arrange regular check-in sessions with leaders to address any issues
  • Utilise feedback forms
  • Liaise with play coordinator & create a shared document/ form to report issues such as unusable/damaged toys
  • Ensure wards are aware of volunteering times by effectively communicating with Dr Klaber, Tina and staff
  • Enhance engagment during training day sessions by integrating interactive elements e.g. team-based activities

I believe these skills along with my enthusiasm hopefully will aid me in being a capable Play Team chair and through this role, I moreover hope to give back to others by creating an experience that is as enjoyable as it was once for me, if not even better!