Photo of Vanathi Pugalendhi

Vanathi Pugalendhi

Paediatrics: Academic Officer

Hi everyone! My name is Vanathi Pugalendhi and I’m running for Academic Officer for Paediatrics society.

I have ample experience in organising events as part of the committee for Imperial College Singapore Society and as the founding Vice-Chairperson of my school’s Green Interest Group - I’ve liaised with multiple parties to handle various aspects from venue arrangement to technical support, something I’d find incredibly applicable for reaching out to arrange lectures and debate and careers events as part of my role as Academic Officer.

I will ensure the smooth running of events by planning ahead with a clear timeline and would love to utilise our Instagram page to gather more opinions on what academic-related events members would like to see would be useful so we can plan events that are catered to our current members.

I will ensure that we organise rigorous and impactful academic support for all members that is both timely and structured based on feedback. It would be incredible if you could provide me with the opportunity to give back to the student community and I look forward to working with all of you soon!