Photo of Olivia Ariarasa

Olivia Ariarasa

Gastroenterology & Hepatology : General Executive

Hi, my name is Olivia. I'm a fourth year medic and am excited to run for the role of General Executive for Gastro and Hepatology society! I wanted to be more involved in gastro society because I've come to love all things GI and hepatology related. Having been placed on back to back gastro placements, I admittedly was not excited. However, I've developed a genuine passion for the field and I believe it's one of the most interesting areas to learn about. In terms of what I can bring, I've had experience being a charity liason officer, which whilst it might sound irrelevant, there are transferable skills. I had to work on staying organised, overseeing other members in the team, raising morale and I really strengthened my interpersonal communication skills. Working in a team is one of my strong suits, especially as being a medic means I'm constantly collaborating with others. However, I have strong initiative and am not afraid of putting out my own ideas and leading a team if necessary. I believe these skills, plus my enthusiasm for all things gastro and hepatology related, would help me be good general executive for the society! If elected, I would genuinely try my hardest to ensure the smooth running of the society, help increase its interactivity and ensure the society as a whole benefits the students it caters to. Thanks for reading!