Photo of Niharika Chokkapu

Niharika Chokkapu

Gastroenterology & Hepatology : General Executive

A society can really inspire students in developing or finding new interests. I would love to help with this as general executive!

I would love to be involved in inspiring students to get involved with the society, for example in helping to brainstorm, plan and execute fun yet informative events. This can empower students to expand their passions. An engaging programme of events, social media presence and socials can really help entice people to join a society, which I appreciate is key in captivating an audience. I believe I would be the ideal candidate for the role of general executive with my broad range of experiences. I have strong organisational, teamwork and management skills that I have developed from previous society roles (such as educational roles, treasurer, networking, and publicity).

Additionally, I aim to network with other societies when appropriate, both at Imperial and beyond, to foster a collaborative, inclusive environment for our society’s events and help them reach the most potential. My experience in networking roles would provide useful.

I am a transparent individual with strong communication skills. I think this is key in building a strong relationship with the committee members and therefore creating a successful society as a whole.

To conclude, I would love to be a part of the society’s team next year, and thank you for reading my manifesto! :)