IQ (Imperial College LGBT+): Campaigns & Union Liaison Officer


Avani Ela

Hi guys, gals and non-binary pals, My name is Avi (she/her) and I am a fourth year medic. I am running for IQ's Campaigns & Union Liaison! I am super passionate about LGBTQ+ student representation and inclusion at Imperial and would love the opportunity to deliver campaigns with IQ to support this. Having served as the Union's LGBTQ+ Officer 2023/24, I have an in-depth understanding of how the Union operates, ...

Alp Aktug

Hi! I am Alp (he/him/his), a first year biochemistry student from Türkiye and I hope to be your next campaigns and union liaison officer! I am in awe of the great community that is IQ, and I want to increase my impact on it in order to help you all :) I intend to improve communication between individual members and students within the society by: Hosting weekly discussions (online or in-person), to get feedb ...