Photo of Avani Ela

Avani Ela

IQ (Imperial College LGBT+): Campaigns & Union Liaison Officer

Hi guys, gals and non-binary pals,

My name is Avi (she/her) and I am a fourth year medic. I am running for IQ's Campaigns & Union Liaison!

I am super passionate about LGBTQ+ student representation and inclusion at Imperial and would love the opportunity to deliver campaigns with IQ to support this.

Having served as the Union's LGBTQ+ Officer 2023/24, I have an in-depth understanding of how the Union operates, as well as how to run a successful campaign at Imperial.

As IQ's Campaigns & Union Liaison, I would:

  • Ensure IQ's campaigns are in-line with the Union's LGBTQ+ Network's work to maximise impact. This would be achieved by maintaining good communication with the incoming LGBTQ+ Officer on both an individual and group basis - eg. through regular check-ins and adding Union LGBTQ+ Officer to IQ Committee groupchat.
  • Communicate with the Union's staff efficiently, directly contacting the relevant individuals while upholding the Union's Clubs/Societies/Projects policies.
  • Suggest novel LGBTQ+ campaign ideas all-year-round, for example including other stakeholders and LGBTQ+ groups such as Rainbow Bridge and Imperial 600.

Thank you for reading & for considering me!

Lots of queer love, Avi x