Photo of Ellie Abel

Ellie Abel

Materials: Sponsorship Officer

Hi I'm Ellie, standing for the role of Materials sponsorship officer. I've had the pleasure of being a society member this past year, under a team which consistently strives to make MatSoc a success; giving me the desire to participate.

My Goal for the next academic year is to help MatSoc flourish, sourcing the sponsorship required to enable the society to provide the reasources, socials and opportunities desired by its members. Contributing to the hard work and society's progression.

In terms of my experience with organisation, obtaining sponsorship and networking I have the following relevant experiences:

-My job with the Space science and education foundation which hosts global engineering competitions. I've contributed to creating websites, proposals & presentations.

-Raising money by: hosting sports challenges, bake sales, jumble sales, drama evenings, movie nights, 24 hour disco etc…

-Presenting my published & accepted HICE 2024 conference paper at events. This required significant sponsorship. However, through events, meetings/ emails I accumulated the necessary support.

- Forming connections with idividuals at Airbus, BLUECUBE AEROSPACE Inc, Alpine, Ernst Young, Next, Rolls Royce , Seraphim Space and UKSA. Over the summer I'd aim to proactively investigate different sponsorship forms.

-At my previous school I was on the academic/ school committee. I introduced mentor schemes, competition opportunities, societies and industry days.

- Working with BlueCUBE Aerospace Inc participating in conferences such as: IAC Paris 2022. Hence, I have networking/ presentational experience.

I think I'd be an active member of the committee and would do my best to ensure sponsorship success!