DroneSoc: Chair


Matej Kusik

As the current DroneSoc president, I understand what it takes to run this society both from the planning, organising and admin sides. Most importantly, I have learnt to deal with the union and its admin, which is a much larger part of the role than I initially expected. It took a great deal to have everything running smoothly but now that I am familiar with everything, I believe we can get the Soc to a great start ne ...

Lolézio Viora Marquet

Hello DroneSoc, I’m Lolézio, your DroneSoc Treasurer in charge of all financials, and Project ATLAS this year! After having doubled the amount of available funding for the society, and greatly advanced Project ATLAS to garner us some more recognition, I’m now standing for President to take DroneSoc to the next step. We will expand, develop stronger ties with industry, advertise and recruit for ATLA ...