Photo of Matej Kusik

Matej Kusik

DroneSoc: Chair

As the current DroneSoc president, I understand what it takes to run this society both from the planning, organising and admin sides. Most importantly, I have learnt to deal with the union and its admin, which is a much larger part of the role than I initially expected. It took a great deal to have everything running smoothly but now that I am familiar with everything, I believe we can get the Soc to a great start next year and a great finish this year with plans for further development of project ATLAS, including hardware and flight testing, weekly fly out sessions with society drones (We already have society tiny whoops!) as well as establishing a DroneSoc racing team to compete in events.

Additionally, I am still planning a bunch of events for third term including a tiny whoop drone race, and quad basics flight days.I hope to have your trust for the year to come,
