Barbell: Secretary


Carlotta Giacchero

For my photo, I chose a still from the video of me hitting my first ever 100kg deadlift -- in my IC Barbell shirt. The reason for this is simple: it perfectly captures the dedication I put into the sport of powerlifting, and the joy I get out of doing it with IC Barbell. I like to think that, when electing someone for a committee role, you can't go wrong if they've got this much love for what the club does. And I tr ...

Evelyn Lees

Hiya! I would love to be your secretary next year. Here’s why you should vote for me: For those of you who don’t know me, I’m a 3rd year physics student who recently quit rowing and joined Barbell. I instantly fell in love with powerlifting and I’m also grateful that I no longer have to get up at 5am every morning for a water session haha! I actually love admin. No, I’m being ...